Ellen Rosenholtz (b. 1967, Abington, Pennsylvania) didn’t realize she had any artistic talent until she entered Temple University’s Department of Radio, Television and Film (RTF). Leaving high school without any clear purpose she stated “I like watching films, perhaps I would like to make them.”  Eventually, she would conclude she needed to learn to control a single image before she could master 60 frames per second, which led her to Philadelphia College of the Arts, now University of the Arts (UArts), to finish her degree in photography. After graduation, with no real access to photographic development equipment, she began drawing and developing narrative images. This transition in her work, paired with various work experiences, contributed to her attending Vermont College of Norwich University, where she received her M.F.A. Throughout her practice she continues to evolve her interest in the narrative. Whether through film, photography or drawn image the base for all her work is to communicate a story.

Ellen currently lives and works in Collingswood, NJ



(610) 580-9660
